Guide in Filling Out the VAW Mapping Tool


One of the key recommendations in the Strategic Plan of the Inter-Agency Council on Violence against Women and Their Children (IACVAWC) for 2017-2022 is the establishment of an integrated VAW referral system at the national and local levels. This is intended to strengthen the services being provided by various organizations for VAW victim-survivors.

An important step in the establishment of the VAW referral system is the mapping of available services for VAW victim-survivors in the country. Information generated from the mapping activity will be consolidated into a national, provincial, municipal, and city directory of VAW services. Eventually, results of the mapping will inform VAW victim-survivors on the availability of appropriate services and remedies which they can avail in their area. Hopefully, this information will encourage them to no longer suffer in silence because there are organizations that are ready to help and protect their interest.

The mapping will not only cover services related to RA 9262 or the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act but will also include RA 8353 and RA 8505 (Anti-Rape Law and Rape Victim Assistance and Protection Act), RA 9208 and RA 10364 (Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act and Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act), RA 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Act), RA 9995 (Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act), RA 9710 (Magna Carta of Women), RA 7610 (Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination), RA 9775 (Anti-Child Pornography Act), and Articles 336 (Acts of Lasciviousness) and 334 (Concubinage) of the Revised Penal Code.

For this purpose, IACVAWC devised a tool to document the required information. The mapping activity will be conducted in partnership with the LGUs and the existing VAW or GBV mechanisms in the locality.


The ultimate goal of this project is to identify the services offered by government, nongovernment and civil society organizations, faith-based and religious groups, colleges and universities, private groups, and community-based agencies for victim-survivors of violence.

The National Mapping of VAW Services aims to:

  1. Produce a resource directory of VAW services based on information collected from the mapping, which includes contact details and procedures for availing the required services;
  2. Geographically plot the location of services throughout the Philippines;
  3. Identify gaps in VAW service provision;
  4. Inform the VAW victim-survivors on the availability of various services which they may avail in their locality; and
  5. Compare the available services to the ideal continuum of services needed by women who experience violence;

Expected Outputs

A National Directory of VAW Services will be produced from the mapping activity. The directory will reflect the available public and private VAW facilities, service providers, and programs in the Philippines. The directory will also show the specific geographic location of the existing facilities which offer VAW services, as well as the procedures for obtaining such services.

In addition, a preliminary report on the functionality of the current VAW mechanisms at the province, city, and municipal levels and gaps in the provision of VAW services, such as medical, legal, psychosocial, and economic support, and safety and security services to VAW victim-survivors, will also be generated. This report could serve as a take-off point in designing appropriate activities or interventions toward strengthening the existing VAW mechanisms and in improving the delivery of services for clients.


The VAW mapping tool is a self-administered instrument, which consists of two (2) forms.

1. Form A (LGU Profile) covers general information about the LGU, including questions on demographics, existing mechanism/s that address VAW and Gender-based violence (GBV) concerns, an overview of the current programs and services that are being directly provided by the LGU and existing network with other organizations.

1.1. This portion will be accomplished by the province, city, and municipal LGUs through their Local Committee on Anti-Trafficking and VAWC (P/C/M/LCAT-VAWC) or other mechanisms, such as the GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) and other related committees.

1.2. If there are two or more existing mechanisms in the LGU, they may opt to convene a meeting with their key officers to accomplish the form collectively. This is to ensure that all information reflects the true picture of LGU’s initiatives in addressing violence against women and the challenges encountered in implementing them.

1.3 The province shall oversee the conduct of VAW mapping in all municipalities and component cities under its jurisdiction. It may designate key members of the LCAT-VAWC, GAD Focal Point or similar mechanism to oversee the implementation of VAW mapping activity in the entire province.

1.4. The Form A (LGU Profile) consists of the following sections:

a. Part 1- Profile
b. Part 2- VAW/GBV Mechanisms
c. Part 3 – VAW-related Policies, Programs, and Services
d. Part 4 – Network with other organizations
e.Part 5 – Best practice/s in handling VAW/GBV Cases
f. Part 6 – Information source

1.5 The online Form A can be accessed here.

2. Form B (VAW Resource Information) will look into the existing VAW resources, such as facilities, programs, and services offered by government, non-government, colleges and universities, faith-based, religious, and private organizations. It also inquires about the nature and challenges encountered by service providers.

2.1. The members of LCAT-VAWC or Local GBV Mechanisms, particularly MSWDO, LGOO, PNP, MHO, women NGO representative or the Local Council of Women, and GAD Focal Point may be constituted as core group/committee to oversee the mapping in the locality;

2.2. The Core Group, led by designated coordinator/s in the municipality or city, shall identify the existing service providers to be included in the mapping. The group could also use the existing list of NGO/CSO partners and other stakeholders in concerned LGUs.

2.3. If necessary, the Core Group will brief the target service providers on the objectives of the mapping and orient them on how to fill out Form B of the tool.

2.4. Form B shall be accomplished by key officer/s of identified service providers, facilities, shelters, and other stakeholders in the area, from GOs, NGOs, faith-based and religious organizations, colleges and universities, private companies, and other stakeholders with VAW-related services.

2.5. All barangays, although they provide frontline service to VAW victim-survivors, are not covered by the mapping and, therefore, will not be required to accomplish the mapping tool.

2.6. Include in the mapping those organizations or groups that may only provide advocacy activities or dissemination of IEC materials on VAW/GBV and agencies providing livelihood/skills training which women victim-survivors may avail.

2.7. If the tool will be accomplished in hard copies, the Core Group at the municipal level shall collect all forms accomplished by concerned service providers and submit them to the designated coordinator or point person at the provincial level, who will forward the filled-out forms to the IACVAWC Secretariat.

2.8. If the service provider will fill out an online version of the tool via Google form, the service provider must inform the Core Group once they are done filling out the form.

2.9. In the case of Highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs) and Independent Component Cities (ICCs), they shall submit the filled-out VAW mapping tool directly to the Council Secretariat.

2.10. The province and concerned HUCs and ICCs may opt to organize a feedback forum on the results of VAW mapping.

2.11. The Form B (VAW Resource Information) consists of the following sections:

a. Part 1- Directory Information
b. Part 2- Nature of VAW Services
c. Part 3 – Recommendations
d. Part 4 – Best practice/s in handling VAW/GBV Cases
e. Part 5 – Information source

2.12 The online Form B can be accessed here.

3. Other instructions

3.1. Please answer the questions as thoroughly as you can. Do not leave any question blank;

3.2. Write NO DATA if the required data are not available or Not Applicable (NA) if the question is not applicable to your locality or organization; and

3.3. Please provide relevant documents like Executive Orders, Resolutions, Provincial/ Municipal/City Development Plan, GAD Plan and Budget (GPB), intake form, and protocol/s.

3.4. You may also use additional sheet/s if necessary (hardcopies only).


1. Government Agencies

1.1 Department of Social Welfare and Development (i.e. Haven for Women, residential care facilities, psychosocial services, etc.)
1.2 Department of Health (i.e. Women and Children Protection Units, DOH-retained hospitals, medical services, etc.)
1.3 Department of Education
1.4 Department of Justice (i.e. Prosecutor’s Office)
1.5 Department of Labor and Employment
1.6 Philippine National Police (i.e. Women and Children Protection Desks)
1.7 National Bureau of Investigation
1.8 Public Attorney’s Office (PAO)
1.9 Civil Service Commission (CSC)
1.10 Commission on Human Rights (CHR)
1.11 National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP)
1.12 National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF)
1.13 Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
1.14 Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
1.15 Court of Appeals (CA)
1.16 Regional, Metropolitan, Municipal, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
1.17 Family Courts
1.18 Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
1.19 Philippine Information Agency (PIA)
1.20 Residential and temporary shelters
1.21 Local Social Welfare and Development Offices, including crisis centers
1.22 Local Health Offices, including hospitals
1.23 Local Public Employment and Services Offices

2. Non-government and Civil Society Organizations with programs and services for VAW victim-survivors:

2.1 Advocacy
2.2 Legal assistance (e.g. Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), other legal groups)
2.3 Service provision (including psychosocial counseling, training, shelter, etc.)
2.4 Skills training for VAW victims
2.5 Economic assistance
2.6 Other related services

3. Faith-based Organizations

Includes religious congregations, parishes, churches, religious organizations, etc.

4. State-run and private colleges and universities with VAW-related research/extension work and services for the public or the community

5. International organizations in the locality

6. Private Sectors

7. Other service providers/stakeholders in the area

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