55th Regular IACVAWC Meeting held in Quezon City

The Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and their Children (IACVAWC) convened for its 55th regular Council Meeting on April 12, 2024 at Sequoia Hotel in Quezon City. The meeting was presided over by DSWD as Council chair, represented by Undersecretary Emmeline Aglipay-Villar and Assistant Secretary Elaine Fallarcuna.
Among other matters, the Council discussed updates on the agreements from previous meetings, amendment of Republic Act 9262 (Anti-VAWC Act), Council recommendations to the draft Joint Memorandum Circular on the institutionalization and strengthening of the Regional and Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (RCAT- and LCAT-VAWC), and details regarding the preparation of Philippine Report for the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) +30.