Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2016-01: Amendments to PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA JMC No. 2013-01: Guidelines on the Localization of the Magna Carta of Women
1.0 The PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2013-01 titled, “Guidelines on the Localization of the Magna Carta of Women” was issued on July 18, 2013 to prescribe policies and procedures in mainstreaming gender perspectives in local planning, programming and budgeting; local legislation; project development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation pursuant to Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women (MCW).
2.0 This JMC is being issued to amend parts of Sections 4.1.C (Gender and Development (GAD) Planning and Budgeting) and 5.0 (Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of the Magna Carta of Women) of JMC No. 2013-01 to clarify the process of costing, allocation and attribution of the GAD budget, as well as the duties and functions of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) as the Iead agency in the review, endorsement and monitoring of submission of GAD Plans and Budget (GPBs) and GAD Accomplishment Reports (GAD ARs) of local government units (LGUs). This JMC also amends Annexes D (Guide in Completing the GAD Plan and Budget Form) and E (Guide in Completing the GAD Accomplishment Report Form) of JMC No. 2013-01 and prescribes the use of the revised GPB and GAD AR forms for provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays.
3.0 Section 4.1.C.4 (Attribution to the GAD Budget) is hereby amended to read as follows:
“C.4 Attribution to the GAD Budget
1) Attributing LGU programs and projects including ODA-funded projects to the GAD budget:
a. To gradually increase the gender-responsiveness of LGU programs and projects, the LGU may attribute a portion or the whole of the program’s budgets to the GAD budget supporting gender-responsive PPAs. To facilitate this, the LGU shall conduct a gender analysis of their programs and projects through the administration of the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) tool using the appropriate design checklist (HGDG Boxes 9-15, 18- 23), the funding facilities checklist (HGDG Box F1) or the generic checklist (HGDG Box 7a). The results of the HGDG assessment together with the supporting documents (e.g., project proposal/brief) shall be attached to the GPB for submission.
b. xxx
c. The administration of the HGDG will yield a maximum score of 20 points for each program or project. Based on the HGDG score, a percentage of the annual budget of the regular program or project may be attributed to the GAD budget.
d. xxx
e. During the preparation of its GAD AR, the LGU will again subject the same program or project to the HGDG test using the Project Implementation and Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation (PIMME) checklist (HGDG Boxes 16 and 17) or the Facility Implementation, Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation (FIMME) checklist (HGDG Box F2) based on the project’s annual accomplishment report to determine the extent that the targeted HGDG score is attained. This score will be the basis for determining actual expenditures that can be attributed to the GAD budget. If the LGU has an HGDG score of 8 (higher than its target), it can attribute 50% of the program’s annual expenditure to the GAD expenditure.
f. xxx”
4.0 Section 4.1.C.5 (Schedule to be observed in GAD Planning and Budgeting) are hereby amended to read as follows:
“C.5 Schedule to be Observed in GAD Planning and Budgeting
1) January (a year before the budget year) – The Local Chief Executive (LCE) shall issue a directive (i.e., memo or executive order) to all LGU departments/offices for the preparation of their annual GPB and annual GAD AR (e.g., LGU FY 2017 GPB and FY 2015 GAD AR).
2) January-February – All LGU departments/offices including barangays shall formulate their GAD AR of the preceding year. Based on its accomplishments in the preceding year and the results of the conduct of gender analysis to determine the existing gender issues of the locality, the LGU departments/offices shall prepare its GPB proposal for the succeeding year for submission to the LGU GAD Focal Point System (GFPS). The LGU GFPS Technical Working Group (TWG) shall review and consolidate the inputs submitted by the LGU departments/offices for the preparation of the LGU GPB and GAD AR.
3) March – The consolidated GPBs, together with the GAD ARs, shall be submitted to the City/Municipal Planning Development Office (CIMPDO) in the case of barangays; and to the Provincial Planning Development Office (PPDO) in the case of component cities and municipalities to ensure the alignment of the GAD PPAs of the concerned LGU to the priorities of the LGU exercising jurisdiction over it. Afterward, the GPBs shall be submitted not later than March 31 to the DILG City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officer (C/MLGOO) in the case of barangays, and the DILG Provincial Office in the case of component cities and municipalities for review and endorsement. For provinces, highly-urbanized cities (HUCs), and independent component cities (ICCs), the LGU GFPS TWG shall submit not later than March 31 the GPBs and GAD ARs to the DILG Regional Office for review and endorsement.
4) April-May – DILG shall review and endorse LGU GPBs, which shall be returned to the concerned LGU for inclusion in the preparation of the AIP not later than end of May.
5) June-July- The following activities are undertaken:
a. Integration of identified gender issues and concerns and GAD goals, strategies, objectives, targets, and PPAs of the GPB during the formulation, updating or enhancement of the CLUP/ CDP/ PDPFP/ ELA, whenever applicable.
b. Issuance of the Budget Call by the LCE to all LGU departments/offices.
6) July-August – The following activities are undertaken:
a.Integration of the endorsed GPB PPAs in the annual budget proposals of concerned LGU departments/offices.
b. The Local Finance Committee (LFC) shall ensure the integration of the GPB in the LGU budget proposals during the technical budget hearings.
8) xxx
9) xxx”
5.0 Section 4.1.C.6 (Submission, Review, and Approval of LGU GAD Plans and Budgets) is hereby amended to read as follows:
“C.6 Submission, Review, and Endorsement of LGU GAD Plans and Budgets
1) All Provinces, HUCs, ICCs, and LGUs within Metro Manila shall submit their GPBs, accompanied by their GAD ARs, to the DILG Regional Office for their review and endorsement. Reviewed and endorsed GPBs shall be returned to the LGUs for integration in the AIP and funding.
2) Component cities and municipalities shall submit their GPBs to the PPDO to ensure the alignment of the municipal/city GAD PPAs with the priorities of the province and then from the PPDO to the DILG Provincial Office for its review and endorsement. DILG-endorsed GPBs shall be returned to concerned LGUs for incorporation in their annual budgets to be enacted by their Local Sanggunian.
3) xxx
4) Barangays shall prepare and submit their GPBs to the C/MPDO to ensure the alignment of the barangay GAD PPAs with the priorities of the city/municipality and then from the C/MPDO, submit the same to the DILG C/MLGOO for review and endorsement. Reviewed and endorsed GPBs shall be returned to the concerned barangays, for incorporation in their AIPs and annual budgets.
5) xxx
6) The GFPS Tl/VG shall review all submitted GPBs and as needed, provide comments or recommendations for revision. The review of GPBs shall focus on the alignment of the GAD plan with the GAD agenda, MCW, CEDAW and/or other related GAD laws, and the correctness and alignment of the entries in each column of the GPB form, e.g., if the proposed activities respond to the identified gender issue, if the issues are correctly identified or formulated, if there are clear indicators and targets if the proposed budget is realistic, and if the number of proposed activities are doable within the year, among others.
7) The DILG Regional/Provincial/City/Municipal Offices shall review and endorse the LGU GPBs based on the gender responsiveness of their content, e.g., the relevance of the GAD PPAs to the identified gender issues as well as the correctness and alignment of the entries in the GPB form. The process of review of GPBs and GAD ARs shall be in accordance with the “Guide in the Review and Endorsement of LGU GAD Plan and Budget (GPB) and Review of GAD Accomplishment Report (GAD AR)”. DILG-endorsed GPBs shall include a Certificate of Endorsement from the DILG Regional/Provincial/City/Municipal Offices.
8)LGUs shall submit within 15 working days their revised GPB and/or GAD AR based on DILG’s comment/s and recommendation/s.”
6.0 Section 4.1.C.7 (Implementation and Monitoring of the LGU GAD Plan and Budget) is hereby amended to read as follows:
“C. 7 Implementation and Monitoring of the LGU GAD Plan and Budget
1) The implementation of the GPB shall commence upon the enactment of the LGU budget. The LCE shall issue an appropriate policy directive, a copy furnished to the DILG Office that conducted the review of the LGU GPB, to disseminate and implement the GPB. The directive shall also mandate the LGU GFPS to a) provide technical assistance in the implementation of the GPB; b) monitor its implementation; c) ensure the preparation and submission of GAD AR; and d) consolidate reports on the implementation of the GPB.
2)The LGUs through their LCEs shall inform the concerned DILG Office in writing if there are changes in the DILG-endorsed GPB and/or if there is a need to implement additional PPAs relevant to current gender issues or GAD-related undertakings. The concerned DILG Office, in turn, shall acknowledge receipt of the adjusted GPB and shall inform the LGU if the GAD PPAs or activities in the adjusted GPB are in accordance with the JMC, as amended.
3) xxx
4) xxx.”
7.0 Section 4.1.C.8 (Preparation and Submission of LGU GAD Accomplishment Report) is hereby amended to read as follows:
“C.8 Preparation and Submission of LGU GAD Accomplishment Report
1) The GFPS shall prepare their annual GAD AR based on the DILG-endorsed GPB or enacted LGU budget following the form prescribed in Annex E or E-1 of the JMC, as amended. Activities completed until the end of the year may be included in the final LGU GAD AR.
2) xxx
3) In case the LGU attributes a portion or the whole of the budget of its major program/project to the GAD budget, it shall subject the same program/project (using its accomplishment report for the year) to the HGDG test using the PIMME or FIMME checklist to determine the actual expenditures that may be attributed to the GAD budget (Refer to item 1 of Section C.4).
4) xxx
5) xxx
6) The DILG shall collect the annual accomplishments of LGUs on GAD and prepare an annual report of LGU GAD accomplishments based on the summary reports from its regional offices for submission to PCW.”
8.0 Section 5.0 (Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of the Magna Carta of Women) is hereby amended to read as follows:
“Section 5.0 Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of the Magna Carta of Women
5.1. xxx
5.2. xxx
5.3. xxx
5.4. xxx
5.5. xxx
5.6. The GAD M&E Team shall evaluate the outcomes of the LGU GAD policies, programs and projects and submit a GAD Evaluation Report to the DILG Regional Office at the end of the LCE’s three-year term. The submission shall be done not later than June of the next term (Refer to Annex H: LGU GAD Evaluation Report of the JMC 2013-01, as amended).
5.7. All M&E activities shall be included in the annual GPB.
5.8. The DILG Regional Offices shall prepare summary reports on LGUs’ compliance in the implementation of JMC 2013-01, as amended, for submission to the DILG Central Office.
5.9 The DILG Central Office shall then prepare a consolidated report on LGUs’ compliance in the implementation of JMC 2013-01, as amended, and submit such to PCW within March of every year for inclusion in the national report on the MCW implementation and the annual GAD Budget Report.”
9.0 Section 6.1.a (Role of the DILG) is hereby amended to read as follows:
“Section 6.1. The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) shall:
a.Keep records of endorsed LGU GPBs and GAD ARs and prepare a consolidated report on LGUs’ compliance in the implementation of JMC 2013-01;”
10.0 In the preparation of the GPB, provinces, municipalities, and cities shall use the revised form provided under the new Annex D, which provides a section for reflecting GAD-attributed programs and projects, while barangays shall use the simplified GPB form found in Annex D-1. Likewise, in the preparation of the GAD AR, provinces, municipalities, and cities shall use the revised form found in the new Annex E, while barangays shall use the new form found in Annex E-1.
11.0 Repealing Clause
Provisions of the PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA JMC 2013-01 and other issuances contrary to or inconsistent with this Circular are hereby repealed, modified, or amended.
12.0 Saving Clause
Provisions of the PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA JMC 2013-01 and other issuances not inconsistent with this Circular shall remain in full force and effect.
13.0 Effectivity
This Joint Memorandum Circular will be in effect starting with the 2017 GAD planning and budgeting cycle for LGUs.
Philippine Commission on Women
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Department of Budget and Management
Socio-Economic Planning and Director General
National Economic and Development Authority
Legend: xxx- provisions in the JMC 2013-01
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