Assessment of the Functionality of LCAT-VAWCs and Barangay VAW Desks

The functionality of LCAT-VAWCs and Barangay VAW Desks are routinely assessed to ensure that the mechanisms can provide timely and responsive services to victim-survivors.

Guidelines on how to assess Barangay VAW Desks are stipulated in DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2017-114. The assessment is conducted annually by an Inter-Agency Monitoring Team led by the City or Municipal Local Government Operations Officer.

Similarly, the assessment of Local Committees Against Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) follows the guidelines provided in DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-006. It is also conducted yearly by an Inter-Agency Monitoring Team headed by the DILG Regional and Provincial Focal Persons.

The results are classified into four levels of functionality:


Level Rating Remarks
Basic 20% and below Satisfied the requirements for the establishment
Progressive 21 to 50% Aside from the establishment and availability of resources, it also satisfied the requirements of some of the sub-indicators under policies, plans, budget
Mature 51 to 80% Able to satisfy the requirements for establishment, resources, policies, plans, and budget, and some of the sub-indicators of accomplishment
Ideal 81 to 100% Was able to satisfy almost all, if not all, of the requirements


    • DILG 2019 Barangay VAW Desk Functionality Assessment Results