DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2017-114: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk in Every Barangay


1.1 The State realizes that equality of men and women entails the abolition of the unequal structures and practices that perpetuate discrimination and inequality. To realize this, the State shall endeavor to develop plans, policies, programs, measures, and mechanisms to address discrimination and inequality in the economic, political, social, and cultural life of women and men.

1.2 In pursuance of the above-mentioned state policy, Republic Act No. 9710, otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women (MCW), was enacted into law on August 14, 2009. Amongst its provisions is the establishment of a Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk as specified under Section 9 (D) of the law and Section 12 (D), Rule IV of its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

1.3 To implement the aforementioned provision, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Health (DOH), Department of Education (DepEd) and Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) issued Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2010-2 dated December 9, 2010, entitled “Guidelines in the Establishment of a Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk in Every Barangay”. This JMC provides for the guidelines and procedures in the establishment of a VAW Desk in every barangay to ensure that all forms of violence against women cases are fully addressed in a gender-responsive manner.

1.4 After the issuance of the JM C, the functionality of VAW Desk in every barangay is yet to be determined. Thus, a tool to monitor its functionality was developed by the DILG through the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) in collaboration with PCW, National Anti-Poverty Commission – Women Sectoral Council (NAPC-WSC), and NAPC Office of the Lead Convenor.


The policy is intended to provide the local government units (LGUs) and other concerned entities the guidelines and monitoring tool for assessing the functionality of the barangay VAW Desk.


This policy shall cover all barangays nationwide.


4.1 Violence Against Women (VAW) -as defined under Rule II, Section 4(K) of the Magna Carta of Women and Section 7(K) of its IRR, refers to “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.” It shall be understood to encompass, but not limited to, the following:

4.1.1 Physical, sexual, psychological, and economic violence occurring in the family, including battering, sexual abuse of female children in the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, and other traditional practices harmful to women, non-spousal violence, and violence related to exploitation;

4.1.2 Physical, sexual, and psychological violence occurring within the general community, including rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and intimidation at work, in educational institutions and elsewhere, trafficking in women, and prostitution; and

4.1.3 Physical, sexual, and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned by the State, wherever it occurs. It also includes acts of violence against women as defined in Republic Acts No. 9208 and 9262.

4.2 Barangay Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk – a facility that addresses VAW cases in a gender-responsive manner, managed by a person designated by the Punong Barangay. It is situated within the premises of the barangay hall. In the absence of a barangay hall, the VAW Desk shall be established within the premises where the punong barangay holds office.


5.1 Functionality Indicators of Barangay VAW Desk

The functionality of the Barangay VAW Desk shall be assessed in the following areas: Establishment, Resources, Policies, Plans and Budget, and Accomplishment.

5.1.1 Establishment

The VAW Desk must be established, and the VAW Desk Person must be designated through a Barangay Ordinance or an Executive Order. The VAW Desk Person (preferably a woman barangay kagawad, woman barangay tanod, or any other qualified person in the community with the commensurate remuneration/honorarium) designated by the Punong Barangay must be trained in gender-sensitive handling of VAW cases. The VAW Desk shall have a separate room where the intake interview can be conducted (if no separate room is available, an enclosed area within the compound where the barangay hall is located).

5.1.2 Resources

a. Furniture and Vehicle – a VAW Desk shall have a separate cabinet or designated storage place where files could be safely kept and maintained. Access to its contents must be controlled by the person-in-charge. Further, a vehicle or transportation expenses must be available for the use of transporting victim-survivor/s.
b. Equipment and Supplies – a VAW Desk shall have the necessary equipment for recording, documenting, and monitoring VAW cases received. Communication equipment and first aid kit shall be available for the referral of VAW concerns and the provision of first aid treatment to victims-survivor/s.
c. Monitoring Tools – availability of Intake Form, Referral Form, Feedback Form, Logbooks, and Application Form for Barangay Protection Order (BPO).
d. References – these are reference materials that must be readily available in the barangay, such as (1) a directory of all government agencies and non-government institutions, national and local, that provide VAW-related services. It must contain all necessary information, such as name, address, and contact details of the agency or institution, including procedures for availing the required services. This is vital in referring VAW victim-survivors to the proper agencies or institutions in cases where they need services such as legal assistance; psychosocial services (e.g. counseling, psychiatric examination, and therapy); medical services; medico-legal services; and livelihood development and employment assistance; (2) VAW Desk Handbook; (3) VAW-related books and brochures; (4) flowchart on Barangay Protection Order (BPO) issuance; and (5) flowchart on handling of VAW cases.

5.1.3 Policies, Plans and Budget

The VAW Desk shall have its own budget for operations and services that are integrated in the approved Barangay Gender and Development (GAD) Plan and Budget, which shall be at least five percent (5%) of their budgetary allocation. The barangay shall have the approved Barangay GAD Plan and Budget, which contains gender-responsive programs and activities to address gender-based violence. Said programs must be integrated in the Barangay Development Plan (BDP) and reflected in the Annual Investment Program (AIP) of the barangay.

5.1.4 Accomplishment

The barangay shall prepare and submit quarterly accomplishment reports to the City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer (C/MSWDO) and City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officer (C/MLGOO) within 10 working days of the ensuing month.

The report must be based on the database/records of VAW cases reported in the barangay and contain relevant information such as the total number of VAW cases received, the assistance provided to victim-survivors (i.e. securing BPO, referral to other service providers such as rescue, shelter, medico-legal, etc.), the total number of cases documented for violating RA 9262 and other VAW-related laws, total barangay population, number of male and female in the barangay, and minor to adult ratio.
Accomplishments of VAW Desk and other efforts to realize a “violence-free community” must be reflected in the State of Barangay Address (SOBA).

5.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Team

5.2.1 Creation of Inter-Agency Monitoring Team

An Inter-Agency Monitoring Team (IMT) shall be created at the city/municipal level to monitor the establishment and evaluate the functionality of VAW Desk in every barangay.

5.2.2 City/Municipal IMT Composition

ChairpersonC/M Local Government Operations Officer
Co-ChairpersonC/M Social Welfare and Development Officer
MembersC/M PNP Women and Children Protection Desk Officer
C/M Health Officer
One (1) representative each from three (3) different LGU-accredited/recognized women civil society organizations

5.2.3 Documents to be Presented

The Barangay VAW Desk Person shall present the following documents to the C/MIMT:

a. Copy of Baran gay Ordinance or Executive Order on the establishment of Barangay VAW Desk and designation of Barangay VAW Desk Person;
b. Copy of Certificate/s of training/seminars and workshops attended on VAW, Gender Sensitivity, and Basic Crisis Intervention;
c. Copy of accomplished Monitoring Forms (Intake Form, Referral Form, Feedback Form, and BPO Application Form);
d. Logbooks (Logbook 1 for RA 9262 cases and Logbook 2 for other VAW-related cases);
e. Directory of service providers;
f. VAW Desk Handbook;
g. VAW-related information, education, and communication (IEC) materials (books, brochures, etc.);
h. Barangay Development Plan with YAW-related programs and projects articulated therein;
i. Approved Barangay GAD Plan and Budget with gender-responsive programs and activities to address gender-based violence;
j. Annual Investment Program which reflects the approved GAD Plan and Budget of the barangay;
k. Annual GAD Accomplishment Report based on the approved GAD Plan and Budget;
l. Copy of Quarterly Reports;
m. Copy of the State of Barangay Address (SOBA) reflecting accomplishment in addressing VAW cases;
n. Database/records of all VAW cases reported in the barangay; and
o. Copy of post-activity report/s on the activities conducted on the elimination of VAW in the community.

5.3 Duties and Responsibilities

5.3.1 City/Municipal IMT

a. Evaluate the Barangay VAW Desk based on the documents submitted using VAW Desk Form 1;
b. Conduct site inspections and meet with concerned barangay officials for feedbacking on the strengths or weaknesses of the VAW Desk;
c. Discuss with the concerned mayors the outcome of the evaluation;
d. Come up with the recommended actions; and
e. Using VAW Desk Form 2, submit a report in soft and hard copies to the DILG Provincial Office not later than April 15 of every year.

Note: In the case of Highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs), the report shall be submitted by the HUCIMT directly to the DILG Regional Office.

5.3.2 DILG Provincial Office

Consolidate and submit reports using VAW Desk Form 3 in soft and hard copies to the DILG Regional Office not later than April 30 of every year.

5.3.3 DILG Regional Office

Consolidate and submit reports using VAW Desk Form 4 in soft and hard copies to the DILG Central Office through the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) not later than May 15 of every year.


Funds for monitoring the functionality of Barangay VAW Desks shall be charged against the GAD Fund of the city/municipality.


The functionality of the Barangay VAW Desk shall be rated by the C/MIMT in the following indicators:

a. The Barangay VAW Desk is established and the Barangay VAW Desk Person is designated through:
– Barangay Ordinance (8%)
– Executive Order (4%)
If both are present, the hi?her rating shall apply.
b. Barangay VAW Desk Person has attended:
– Orientation on Anti-VAW Laws such as RA 9262, 9208, and other related laws (3%)
– Gender-Sensitivity Training (2%)
– Basic Crisis Intervention (1%)
c. The VAW Desk is located within the barangay hall. If there is no barangay hall, the VAW Desk may be put up near or where the Punong Barangay holds office (2%)2%
d. The VAW Desk has a separate room where the intake interview can be conducted. If no separate room is available, an enclosed area within the compound where the barangay hall is located (4%)4%
a. Furniture and Vehicle
– Table and chair (1%)
– Filing cabinet/storage area (1%) Sofa bed, folding bed, or mat (1%)
– Availability of vehicle and/or transportation expenses to convey victim-survivors (1%)
b. Equipment and Supplies
– Landline or mobile phone (2%)
– Computer or typewriter for logging in and monitoring VAW cases (1%)
– Camera to be used in documenting cases of violence, especially in capturing physical proofs {1%)
– Tape or voice recorder in recording the case narrative {1%) First aid kit and other medicines (1%)
c. Monitoring Tools
c.1 Logbooks
Logbook 1: for RA 9262 cases (1.5%)
Logbook 2: for other VAW-related cases (1.5%)

c.2. Forms
VAW Docs Intake Form (0.5%)
Referral Form (0.5%) Feedback Form (0.5%)
BPO Application Form (0.5%)
d. References
– Directory of service providers (2%)
– VAW Desk Handbook (1%)
– VAW-related reference books, brochures (1%)
– Flowchart on BPO issuance (0.5%)
– Flowchart on Handling of VAW Cases, to include VAW hotline (0.5%)
Policies, Plans, and Budget20%
a. Annual Investment Program (AIP) reflecting the approved Barangay GAD Plan and Budget10%
b. Gender-responsive program and activities to address gender-based violence is indicated in the approved Barangay GAD Plan and Budget5%
c. Gender-responsive program and activities to address gender-based violence is integrated in the Barangay Development Plan (BDP)5%
a. Annual Accomplishment Report based on the approved
Barangay GAD Plan and Budget
b. Quarterly accomplishment reports submitted to City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (C/MSWDO) and
City/Municipal Local Government Operations Office
(C/MLGOO) containing the following information:
– number of VAWC victim-survivors
– number of other VAW-related victim-survivors
– number and forms of VAWC and other VAW-related cases handled
– number of referred VAWC and other VAW-related cases
– number of VAWC victim-survivors applied for BPO
– number of BPOs issued

Prorated as follows:
– 4 quarterly accomplishment reports (10%)
– 3 quarterly accomplishment reports (7.5%)
– 2 quarterly accomplishment reports (5%)
– 1 quarterly accomplishment report (2.5%)
c. Updated database/records of all VAW cases reported in the barangay10%
d. Accomplishments ofVAW Desk is included in the State of Barangay Address (SOBA) which is held twice a year

Prorated as follows:
– accomplishments of VAW Desk included in two (2) SOBA (10%)
– accomplishments of VAW Desk included in one (I) SOBA (5%)
– accomplishments of VAW Desk not included in the SOBA (0%)

8.1 Basic -20% and below (satisfied the requirements for establishment).

8.2 Progressive -21 % to 50% (aside from the establishment and availability of resources, it also satisfied the requirements of some of the sub-indicators under policies, plans, and budget).

8.3 Mature -51% to 80% (was able to satisfy the requirement for the Establishment, Resources, Policies, Plans and Budget, and some of the sub-indicators of Accomplishment).

8.4 Ideal -81% to 100% (was able to satisfy almost all, if not all, of the indicators).


Monitoring of Barangay VAW Desk functionality shall be conducted annually or every first quarter of the ensuing year. The period to be assessed shall be the previous year.


10.1 The monitoring of Barangay VAW Desk functionality is supported by the following:
10.1.1 Republic Act No. 9710, otherwise known as “The Magna Carta of Women”
10.1.2 DILG-DSWD-DOH-DepEd-PCW JMC No. 2010-2 dated December 9, 2010, entitled “Guidelines in the Establishment of a Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk in Every Barangay
10.1.3 Barangay VAW Desk Handbook


11.1 Annex A: DILG-NBOO VAW Desk Form 1: Monitoring the Functionality of Barangay Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk Assessment Form
11.2 Annex B: DILG-NBOO VAW Desk Form 2: Level of Functionality of Barangay Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk ( Consolidated Assessment Report)
11.3 Annex C: DILG-NBOO VAW Desk Form 3: Level of Functionality of Barangay Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk per City/Municipality (Consolidated Assessment Report)
11.4 Annex D: DILG-NBOO VAW Desk Form 4: Level of Functionality of Barangay Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk per Province (Consolidated Assessment Report)
11.5 Annex E: DILG-NBOO VAW Desk Form 5: Quarterly Accomplishment Report


This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.


13.1 All Regional Directors and Field Officers shall facilitate and provide necessary technical assistance in the implementation of this Memorandum Circular.

13.2 The DILG Regional Office shall submit accomplished VAW Desk Form 4 in soft and hard copies to the DILG Central Office through NBOO.

13.3 The NBOO shall oversee the overall monitoring of Barangay VAW Desk functionality which shall be conducted annually.

It shall see to it that the process and requirements are faithfully adhered to and shall ensure that the documents submitted are complete and credible. Further, it shall maintain and update the Regional and National Summary of Barangay VAW Desk functionality and furnish the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) with a copy.

To facilitate these tasks, monitoring sheets shall be developed and made available in google drive. For soft copies, a link to the online facility shall be provided accordingly. For hard copies, kindly email to nboovawdeskfunctionality@gmail.com or send through fax no. (02) 925-0328.

13.4 The Community Capacity Development Division (CCDD) of NBOO shall monitor

the progress of all regions and shall take appropriate actions/s to address concern/s encountered along the process. It shall be responsible for updating the higher management on the status and results of the Barangay VAW Desk functionality assessment.

Said Division shall also be responsible for notifying the concerned DILG Regional Offices concerning incidences of non-compliance.




For related inquiries, please contact the CCDD-NBOO at telephone nos. (02) 925-0328 and 925-0371 or email at nboovawdeskfunctionality@gmail.com.

Download a copy.