DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-006: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Their Children (LCAT-VAWC)


1.1 The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights. Hence, the State shall undertake measures to protect the people from any form of violence and exploitation and eliminate trafficking in persons (TIP) and violence against women and their children (VA WC).

1.2 Pursuant to this policy, Republic Act (RA) No. 9208 or the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, as amended by RA No. 10364 or the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012, was enacted to give the highest priority to the enactment of measures and development of programs and services that will promote human dignity, protect the people from any threat of violence and exploitation, eliminate TIP, and mitigate pressures for involuntary migration and servitude of persons, not only to support trafficked persons but more importantly, to ensure their recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration into the mainstream of society.

1.3 Further, RA No. 9262, or the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004, was enacted to protect the family and its members, particularly women and children, from violence and threats to their personal safety and security.

1.4 To implement the provisions of these Acts, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), and Department of Justice (DOJ) issued Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2010-1 dated 18 October 2010, entitled, “CREATION OF LOCAL COMMITTEES ON ANTI-TRAFFICKING AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN (LCAT-VAWC)” which provides for the basic standards in the creation of a mechanism that will collaboratively address the problem of TIP and VA WC at the local level.

1.5 After the issuance of the JMC, the functionality of said committees is yet to be determined. Hence, there is a need to assess the performance of LCAT-V A WC to serve as the basis for policy and capacity development to strengthen the capability of LGUs in combating TIP and eliminating violence against women and children.


The Guidelines are intended to provide the local government units (LGUs) and other concerned entities with a tool to assess the functionality of and strengthen the LCAT-V A WC as the primary mechanism to address TIP and VAWC.


This Guidelines shall cover all Provincial Governors, City/Municipal Mayors, BARMM Minister of Local Government, DILG Regional Directors and Field Officers, and others concerned.


4.1 Functionality Indicators of LCAT-VAWC

The functionality ofLCAT-VAWC shall be assessed in the following areas:

  1. Organization
  2. Meetings
  3. Policies, Plans, and Budget
  4. Accomplishments.

4.1.1. Organization

The LCAT-V A WC shall be organized at the provincial, city, and municipal levels, through an executive order or other similar issuances, in accordance with JMC No. 2010-1.
Composition of Provincial Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (PCAT-V A WC)

Provincial Governor
Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator
Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer
Provincial Health Officer
Chairperson of the Committee on Women, Children and Family,
Sangguniang Panlalawigan
Provincial Public Employment and Services Officer
Provincial Schools Superintendent, DepEd
Field Office Director, CSC
Provincial Prosecutor, DOJ
Provincial Director, DILG
Provincial Director, PNP
NGO Representatives of the following sectors:

1. Women
2. Children
3. Overseas Filipino Workers

Composition of City/Municipal Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (C/MCAT-VAWC)

City/Municipal Mayor
City/Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator
City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer
City/Municipal Health Officer
Chairperson of the Committee on Women, Children and
Family, Sangguniang Panlungsod/Bayan
City/Municipal Public Employment Services Officer
City/Municipal Prosecutor
City Director/City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officer City/Municipal Chief of Police
NGO Representatives of the following sectors:

  1. Women
  2. Children
  3. Overseas Filipino Workers

4.1.2. Meetings

The LCAT-V A WC shall conduct regular quarterly meetings. Special meetings may be conducted when necessary.

The agenda of such meetings shall include, but not limited to, the development and implementation of policies/programs/projects/activities (PPPAs) relative to the promotion, protection, and fulfillment of women’s and children’s rights, especially those who are victim-survivors of TIP and VAWC.
The meetings conducted shall be supported by Minutes of Meetings duly signed by the Secretariat Head, Notices of Meetings, Attendance Sheets, and pictures (if available).

4.1.3. Policies, Plans, and Budget Policies

Policies refer to LGUs’ executive and legislative issuances to protect people from any form of TIP and VA WC and provide support to trafficked persons and VA WC victim-survivors. Plans and Budget

The LCAT-V A WC Annual Work and Financial Plan (A WFP) may include, but not limited to, the following activities:

a. Maintain database on cases of TIP and VA WC;
b. Undertake information, education and advocacy campaign against TIP and VA WC;
c. Conduct capacity-building programs for all stakeholders involved in handling TIP and VA WC cases;
d. Provide services to trafficked persons and VA WC victim-survivors, including services that respond to their special needs, interests and concerns;
e. Create and establish systems on surveillance, investigation and rescue to ensure effective and efficient coordination; and
f. Institute policies and programs to protect women and children who are victims of trafficking and violence (formulate local ordinances and resolutions).

LCAT-VAWC’s AWFP shall be submitted to the LOU concerned for inclusion in the Local Development Investment Program/ Annual Investment Program to ensure its funding.

4.1.4. Accomplishments

The accomplishment report of LCAT-VAWC shall include the activities undertaken based on the approved A WFP.

4.2 Creation of Inter-Agency Monitoring Team (IMT)

4.2.1 The IMT shall be created in every region and province to monitor and assess the functionality of LCAT-VAWC.

Provincial IMT Composition

Chairperson: DILG Provincial Focal Person
Members: Provincial Social Welfare & Development Office Representative
Provincial Prosecutor’s Office Representative
Provincial Health Office Representative
PNP Provincial Office Representative
One (1) representative from any of the:
Provincial LOU-accredited/recognized civil society organizations on women, children, or Overseas Filipino Workers

Regional IMT Composition

Chairperson: DILG Regional Focal Person
Members: DSWD Regional Office Representative
DOJ Regional Prosecutor’s Office representative
DOH Regional Office Representative PNP Regional Office Representative
One (1) representative from any NGO/CSO member of RCAT-VAWC, if available

4.3 IMT Duties and Responsibilities

4.3.1 The Provincial IMT shall:

a. Assess the City/Municipal Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (C/MCAT-VAWC) based on the documents presented using LCAT-VAWC Form No. 1;
b. Discuss with the concerned city/municipal mayors the outcome of the assessment and provide recommended actions to address issues concerning the functionality of C/MCAT-V A WC; and
c. Consolidate and submit a report using the LCAT-VAWC Form No. 3, in soft and hard copies, to Regional IMT not later than April 15 of every year.

4.3.2 The Regional IMT shall:

a. Assess Provincial/Highly-Urbanized City Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (P/HUCCAT-VAWC) based on the documents presented using LCAT-VAWC Form No. 2;
b.Discuss with the concerned governors and city mayors the outcome of the assessment and provide recommended actions to address issues concerning the functionality of P/HUCCAT-V A WC; and
c.Consolidate and submit report using LCAT-V A WC Form Nos. 4 and 5, in soft and hard copies, to DILG Central Office through the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) not later than May 15 of every year.

4.4 Documents to be presented to IMT

4.4.1 The Provincial/City/Municipal Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children shall present copies of the following documents to IMT:

a. Ordinance/Resolution/Executive Order organizing the
b. Minutes of Meetings duly signed by the Secretariat Head, Notices of Quarterly and Special Meetings with Agenda, Attendance Sheets certified by the Secretariat Head, and Pictures (if available);
c. Approved LCAT-V A WC A WFP;
d. Approved AIP reflecting PPP As to address TIP and VA WC;
e. Post-Activity Report/s on the capacity-building activities conducted;
f. Post-Activity Report/s on the information, education and advocacy campaign activities conducted;
g. Data of all TIP and VA WC cases and mandatory services provided to trafficked persons and VA WC victim-survivors;
h. Ordinance / Resolution I Executive Order / Guidelines to protect trafficked persons and VA WC victim-survivors;
i. Ordinance appropriating funds for the implementation of the P/C/MCAT-VAWC AWFP;
j. Semestral Accomplishment Reports submitted to PCAT-VAWC by C/MCAT-VAWC or RCAT-VAWC by PCAT-VAWC and HUCCAT-VAWC; and
k.Annual Report, Newsletter, Minutes of Meetings, Website Post, etc., reflecting LCAT-VAWC accomplishments.

4.5 Allocation of Funds for Monitoring

Funds for monitoring the LCAT-V A WC functionality shall be charged against LOU budget, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

4.6 Indicator and Rating

4.6.1. The functionality of LCAT-V A WC shall be rated in the following areas:

a. LCAT-VAWC is organized
• Yes (5%)
• No(0%)
b. Composition of LCAT-VAWC is in accordance with JMC No. 2010-1 (Creation of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Their Children)
• Yes (5%)
• No(0%)
Bonus points: Add 2% for expanded membership other than the Drescribed members per JMC 2010-1
a. Regular Quarterly Meetings conducted
• 4 regular quarterly meetings (10%)
• 3 regular quarterly meetings (7.5%)
• 2 regular quarterly meetings (5.0%)
• I regular quarterly meeting (2.5%)
• No regular meeting conducted (00/o)
Bonus Points: Add 1% if there is Special Meeting conducted
Policies, Plans, and Budget30%
a. LCAT-VAWC Annual Work and Financial Plan (A WFP) reflecting PPP As to address TIP and VA WC developed
• Yes (10%)
• No (0%)
b. Approved LCAT-V A WC AWFP is integrated m the Annual Investment Program of the LGU
• Yes (10%)
• No (0%)
C. Policy to protect trafficked persons and VA WC victim-survivors formulated by LCAT-V A WC
• Yes (10%)
• No (0%)
a. Database on TIP and VA WC cases is maintained and updated
• Yes (10%)
• No (0%)
b. Information, education and advocacy campaign against TIP and VA WC conducted
• Yes (10%)
• No (0%)
C. Capacity-building activities for all stakeholders involved in handling TIP and VA WC cases conducted
• Yes (15%)
• No (0%)
b. Information, education, and advocacy campaign against TIP and VA WC conducted
• Yes (10%)
• No (0%)
e. Semestral accomplishment reports submitted to PCAT-VAWC by C/MCAT-VAWC or RCAT-VAWC by HUCCAT-VAWC and PCAT-VAWC
• 2 semestral reports (5%)
• 1 semestral report (2.5%)
• No semestral report (0%)
f. Accomplishments of LCAT-VAWC are reflected in the LGU annual report, newsletter, website, etc., or presented/discussed during meetings or other similar activities
• Yes (5%)
• No (0%)
Bonus points: Add 2%/or two (2) or more relevant PPAsfully implemented, or 1% or one 1 relevant PPA fully implemented
TOTAL100% or more, if there are bonus points

4.7 Level of Functionality

4.7.1 The level of functionality ofLCAT-VAWC shall be described as follows:

• Basic – if the LCAT-V A WC obtained a rating of 20% and below
• Progressive – if the LCAT-V A WC obtained a rating of 21 % to 500/4
• Mature – if the LCAT-V A WC obtained a rating of 51 % to 800/4
• Ideal – if the LCAT-V A WC obtained a rating of81 % and above

4.8 4.8 Period Covered and Frequency of Assessment

The monitoring of LCAT-V A WC functionality shall be conducted annually or every 1st quarter of every year starting CY 2020. The period to be assessed shall be the previous year.


5.1. The monitoring of LCAT-V A WC functionality is supported by the provisions of the following:

5.1.1. DILG-DOJ-DSWD Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2010-1 dated October 18, 2010, entitled “Creation of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC)”

5 .1.2. Performance Standards Assessment Tools for Services Addressing Violence Against Women in the Philippines (Services of Local Government Units), Department of the Interior and Local Government, Local Government Units, National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women and United Nations Population Fund 2008

5.1.3. Republic Act No. 7610 (Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act)

5.1.4. Republic Act No. 9208 (Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003), as amended by Republic Act No. 10364 (Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012)

5.1.5. Republic Act No. 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of2004)


6.1. Annex “A” LCAT-V A WC Form No. 1: City/Municipal Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children Functionality Assessment Form

6.2. Annex “B” LCAT-V A WC Form No. 2: Provincial Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children Functionality Assessment Form

6.3. Annex “C” LCAT-VAWC Form No. 3: Provincial Consolidated Report on the Functionality Level of the City/Municipal Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children

6.4. Annex “D” LCAT-VAWC Form No. 4: Regional Consolidated Report on the Functionality Level of the Provincial/ City/Municipal Committee on Anti­Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children

6.5. Annex “E” LCAT-VAWC Form No. 5: Regional Summary on the Functionality Level of the Provincial/City/Municipal Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children


This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.


8.1. The DILG Regional Directors and Field Officers shall facilitate and provide necessary technical assistance in the implementation of this Memorandum Circular.
8.2. The DILG Regional Office shall submit the accomplished DILG NBOO LCAT-V A WC Form Nos. 4 and 5, in soft and hard copies, to NBOO through email address: nboolcatvawc@gmail.com not later than May 15 of every year.
8.3. NBOO shall oversee the overall annual monitoring ofLCAT-VAWC functionality. It shall see to it that the process and requirements are faithfully adhered to, and that documents submitted are complete. Further, it shall be responsible in the maintenance and updating of database of the National Summary of LCAT-V A WC functionality. To facilitate these tasks, monitoring sheets shall be developed and made available in a google drive. Link to the online facility shall be provided accordingly.
8.4. Further, the Community Capacity Development Division (CCDD) of NBOO shall monitor the progress and take appropriate action to address concerns along the process, notify DILG Regional Offices concerning incidence of non-compliance, whenever necessary.




For related inquiries, please contact NBOO-CCDD at telephone no. (02) 876-3454 local nos. 4403 and 4404 or send email to: nboolcatvawc@gmail.com.

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