IACVAWC National Action Plan 2023-2028
The IACVAWC has developed and implemented three (3) national strategic plans since its creation in 2004. These plans served as the guideposts in implementing the provisions of the Anti-VAWC Act, with identified strategies, priority programs, projects, and activities under key result areas: prevention, response, and cross-cutting action.
A National Action Plan (2023-2028) will be formulated in 2023 as a successor to the previous Strategic Plan (2017-2022). This Plan will also include advocacy and communications strategies for the next six years. The initial results of the assessment of the Anti-VAWC Act shall guide the crafting of the National Action Plan. It will also support the Philippines’ commitment as a party to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).