IACVAWC Strategic Plans

Since its creation in 2004, the IACVAWC has formulated and adopted three (3) National Strategic Plans orchestrating the priorities and directions of the Council to effectively carry out its mandates. The plans outline methodologies that ensure coordinated action among member-agencies regarding advocacy promotion, service delivery, and cross-cutting initiatives.

Strategic Plan of IACVAWC 2007-2010

The first IACVAWC Strategic Plan (2007-2010) laid down the fundamental objectives of the Council: to provide holistic, integrated, and sustainable programs and services for VAWC victim-survivors, arrange for the rehabilitation of perpetrators, and develop community-based mechanisms all while ensuring the effective implementation of the law. It identified five (5) key strategic areas, particularly: public information and advocacy, capacity building and service delivery, research and policy development, sustained partnerships, and resource generation and mobilization.

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Synergizing Efforts to End Violence Against Women and Children: The Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and their Children Strategic Action Plan 2014-2016

The second IACVAWC Strategic Plan (2014-2016) was crafted based on the initial assessment of its predecessor. Not discounting the significant achievements from 2007-2010, the Council observed that there is still a need to strengthen programs and services as well as information campaigns to raise public awareness about the law and its relevant mechanisms. It also narrowed down the number of key result areas from five (5) to three (3), namely: primary prevention, response system, and cross-cutting structures and actions to focus on making VAW programs and services coordinated and complementary with each other. 

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Strategic Plan on Violence Against Women and Children 2017-2022

The third IACVAWC Strategic Plan (2017-2022) follows the same key results areas as the last, with enhancements to the methodologies based on findings and recommendations from the previous plan. It was introduced with a counterpart Advocacy and Communications Plan to help address social and cultural norms that perpetuate VAW and deepen the sensitivity of local service providers. It also endeavored to make VAW services comprehensive, easily accessible, and rendered on time by competent responders while ensuring that all initiatives are harmonized at the horizontal and vertical levels.

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National Advocacy Communication Plan

The IACVAWC National Advocacy and Communication (AdvoCom) Plan provides overall national direction for communication and advocacy activities of the Council Members, partner organizations, and other development partners. Ideally implemented together with the 3rd IACVAWC Strategic Plan, the AdvoCom Plan sought to address the limited delivery of VAW-related advocacy program, the lack of targeted and user-friendly information materials, the seasonality of VAW advocacy campaigns, and the need for stronger capacity-building activities for frontline service providers in handling VAW/C related cases.

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A National Action Plan for 2023-2028 will be formulated in 2024 as a successor to the previous Strategic Plan (2017-2022). This will be guided by the initial results of the assessment of the Anti-VAWC Act and will also include advocacy and communications strategies for the next six years.

Pending the completion of the assessment of Anti-VAWC Act, the crafting of the National Action Plan to End VAW is deferred until the findings and recommendations have been finalized.

For more information, please contact the IACVAWC Secretariat at iacvawc@pcw.gov.ph or (02) 8735-1654 local 123 or 124.