Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2010-1: Creation of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC)
To | All Provincial Governors, City/Municipal Mayors, DILG Regional Directors/Field Officers and Others Concerned |
Subject | Creation of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) |
Date | October 10, 2010 |
Republic Act No. 9208 declares that the State shall give highest priority to the enactment of measures and development of programs that will promote human dignity, protect the people from violence and exploitation, eliminate trafficking in persons, and mitigate pressures for involuntar y migration and servitude of persons to ensure their recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration. Republic Act No. 9262, on the other hand, underscores the commitment of the State on safeguarding the dignity of women and children while guaranteeing full respect of their human rights and to protect them from violence and threats to their personal safety and security.
These two laws likewise provide stronger mandates and direction to relevant government agencies and stakeholders to immediately address human trafficking and VAWC by organizing Inter-Agency Councils (IACs) for trafficking (Section 20 of RA 9208) and VAWC (Section 39 of RA 9262). These Councils are composed of government agencies and selected non-government organizations whose mandates are relevant to VAWC and trafficking. Primarily,these national inter-agency councils are envisioned to serve as the coordinating and monitoring bodies on anti-VAWC and -trafficking initiatives, respectively. Their other functions include the development of comprehensive and integrated programs to harmonize all initiatives in addressing these problems, and the creation of enabling mechanisms that shall ensure the full implementation of RAs 9262 and 9208 at the sub-national and local levels.
Cognizant of the impor ant roles and responsibilities of the field offices of national government agencies (NGAs) and local government units (LGUs) in the effective implementation of these laws, and in the prevention and monitoring of tra icking and VAWC cases at the local level, Section 13 of the IRR of RA 9208 and Section 59 of the IRR of RA 9262 fur her encourage the National IACs to establish or create mechanisms that shall facilitate the implementation of these laws at the local levels. Considering that the Regional IACAT-VAWC is now in place in all regions nationwide, organizing counterpar Committees at the provincial and city/municipal levels are therefore seen as imperative and timely at this juncture when the National IACs, through the Regional IACAT-VAWC,need to connect to the LGUs where policy and laws meet their ultimate tests. This is also a modest contribution to the Philippine government’s efforts towards broadening participation and accountability in governance.
For purposes of expediency, maximizing resources, and preventing duplication of functions and representation at the local level, local committees on anti-trafficking and -VAWC will be created instead of establishing two separate bodies at the provincial and city/municipal levels.
This MC seeks to provide the basic standards for establishing these local committees. It lists the core functions, composition and structure envisioned for such institutional mechanisms.
A. General
To establish and strengthen local structure that will collaboratively address the problem of Trafficking and VAWC.
B. Specific
Specifically, the establishment of Local Committee on Anti-Trafficking and – VAWC (LCAT-VAWC) aims to:
- Establish functional parallel structure and system at the local level which will monitor and oversee implementation of the provisions of RAs 9208 and 9262 and other women VAW-related laws and policies;
- Increase the capacities of local partners in developing and implementing culturally appropriate and gender responsive policies and programs;
- Empower and mobilize resources of the local community in the prevention, protection, recovery, and reintegration of victims/survivors; and
- Establish partnership and participation of non-government organizations (NGOs) and people’s organizations (POs) in the development and implementation of programs and activities that will address human trafficking and VAWC.
1. Provincial Committee on Anti-Trafficking and -Violence Against Women and their Children (PCAT-VAWC)
1.1. Composition
Provincial Governor
Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer
Provincial Health Officer
Chairperson of the Committee on Women, Children and
Family, Sangguniang Panlalawigan
Provincial Public Employment and Services Officer (PESO) Provincial Schools Superintendent, DepEd
Field Office Director, CSC
Provincial Prosecutor, DOJ
Provincial Director, DILG
Provincial Director, PNP
NGO Representatives of the following sectors:
1. Women
2. Children
3. Overseas Filipino Workers
2. City/Municipal Committee on Anti-Trafficking and -Violence AgainstWomen and their Children (C/MCAT-VAWC)
2.1. Composition
City/ Municipal Mayor
City/ Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator
City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer (C/MSWDO) City /Municipal Health Officer (C/MHO)
Chairperson of the Committee on Women, Children and Family,Sangguniang
City /Municipal Public Employment Services Officer (PESO)
City /Municipal Prosecutor
City Director/City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officer
City /Municipal Chief of Police
NGO Representatives of the following sectors:
1. Women
3.Overseas Filipino Workers
The Province/City/Municipality shall be chaired by the Local Chief Executive or his designated representative and likewise designate the co-chair of the P/C/MCAT-VAWC as well as decide on organizational matters affecting the performance of its functions.
The Provincial/City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, as the case maybe, shall serve as the Secretariat.
3. Functions of the Provincial and City/Municipal Committees on Anti-Trafficking and -VAWC
3.1. Institute policies and programs to protect women and children who are victims of trafficking and violence (formulate local ordinances and resolutions).
3.2. Create and establish systems on surveillance, investigation, and rescue to ensure effective and efficient coordination.
3.3 Undertake information, education, and advocacy campaign against trafficking in persons and VAWC.
3.4 Monitor and oversee the strict implementation of RA 9208, RA 9262, and other related laws for the protection of women and children, and of the IACAT and IACVAWC national plans of action.
In addition to the abovementioned functions, the City/Municipal Committee shall implement the program and activities as stated in the national plan of action.
- The National IACAT and IAC-VAWC shall be the over-all coordinating, monitoring, and advocacy body at the national level.
- The Regional CAT-VAWC (RCAT-VAWC), as the link between the national and the local government units, shall coordinate directly with the province for the proposed establishment of PCAT-VAWC. DSWD is the designated chair of the Regional CAT-VAWC, with DOJ and DILG as the co-chairs, the reasons being their agency’s major roles in addressing VAWC and trafficking, and their leadership position in the National IACs on Trafficking and VAWC, as stipulated in both laws.
- The Regional CAT-VAWC shall meet and discuss membership and participation of NGOs and POs, and functions based on the generic template provided by the national IAC.
- The identification of NGO and PO members to the IACs shall be decided upon by the member-agencies from government. Using Section 20 of the IRR of RA 9208, the criteria for the selection of NGOs into the IAC shall include a proven track record in addressing trafficking, as well as VAWC concerns.
- The province shall directly coordinate with the city/municipality for the establishment of a C/MCAT-VAWC.
- The Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and -VAWC may call on the assistance of non-government organizations and people’s organizations working on trafficking and VAWC to assist in its formulation and implementation of localized programs and interventions to address human trafficking and VAWC, whenever necessary.
- At any level, the Local Committee shall establish linkage with other existing bodies/local councils on women and children and may invite other relevant agencies/organizations to participate in its meetings and activities, whenever necessary.
- The C/MCAT shall submit to the PCAT a comprehensive report on the programs undertaken on a semestral basis every 15th of January and July of the following year, while the PCAT shall submit to the Regional IACAT-VAWC every 22nd of January and July of the following year, or in synchrony with the reporting schedule to the President by the National IACs on VAWC and Trafficking.
- Member agencies/institutions shall appoint a permanent alternate representative to the Committee at the regional level not lower than an Assistant Director who shall attend meetings/activities when the permanent representative is unavailable.

All DILG Regional Directors and Field Officers are hereby directed to cause the widest dissemination of this Circular to all LCEs concerned in their respective jurisdiction and provide technical assistance, where appropriate and necessary. They shall likewise monitor LGU compliance and submit report to the SILG, through the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO), not later than three (3) months after the approval of the JMC.
DSWD Secretary
Co-Chair, IACAT
DILG Secretary
DOJ Secretary
Chair, IACAT
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