Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2010-1: Creation of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) To All Provincial Governors, City/Municipal Mayors, DILG Regional Directors/Field Officers and Others Concerned Subject Creation of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) Date October 10, 2010 I. PREFATORY STATEMENT Republic continue reading : Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2010-1: Creation of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC)
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2021-093: Mapping of Violence Against Women (VAW) Services, Programs, and Facilities at the Local Level
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2021-093: Mapping of Violence Against Women (VAW) Services, Programs, and Facilities at the Local Level To ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS AND FIELD OFFICERS, THE BARMM MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED Subject MAPPING OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN (VAW) SERVICES, PROGRAMS, continue reading : DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2021-093: Mapping of Violence Against Women (VAW) Services, Programs, and Facilities at the Local Level
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-006: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Their Children (LCAT-VAWC)
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-006: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Their Children (LCAT-VAWC) 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights. Hence, the State shall undertake measures to protect the people from any form continue reading : DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-006: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Their Children (LCAT-VAWC)
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2017-114: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk in Every Barangay
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2017-114: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk in Every Barangay 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The State realizes that equality of men and women entails the abolition of the unequal structures and practices that perpetuate discrimination and inequality. To realize this, the State shall endeavor to develop plans, continue reading : DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2017-114: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk in Every Barangay
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2012-61: Adoption/Implementation of the Guidelines in the Establishment and Management of a Referral System on Violence on Women at the Local Government Unit Level
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2012-61: Adoption/Implementation of the Guidelines in the Establishment and Management of a Referral System on Violence on Women at the Local Government Unit Level TO ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY/MUNICIPAL MAYORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS, THE ARMM GOVERNOR, THE ARMM DILG REGIONAL SECRETARY, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS AND FIELD OFFICERS, AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT ADOPTION/IMPLEMENTATION continue reading : DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2012-61: Adoption/Implementation of the Guidelines in the Establishment and Management of a Referral System on Violence on Women at the Local Government Unit Level